Biological relative value of calcium for laying hens. Reference 100%: calcium carbonate. Values Averages as fed / on DM / other unit Min/max as fed Min/max on DM Min/Max other unit Filtrer by category - Any - Cereal grains Cereal byproducts Legumes and oilseeds Oil byproducts Roots and byproducts Fruits and byproducts Other plant products Animal products Dairy products Oils and fats Mineral products Amino acids Value as fed Is less thanIs less than or equal toIs equal toIs not equal toIs greater than or equal toIs greater thanIs betweenIs not betweenIs empty (NULL)Is not empty (NOT NULL)Regular expressionNot regular expression And Value on DM Is less thanIs less than or equal toIs equal toIs not equal toIs greater than or equal toIs greater thanIs betweenIs not betweenIs empty (NULL)Is not empty (NOT NULL)Regular expressionNot regular expression And Value other basis Is less thanIs less than or equal toIs equal toIs not equal toIs greater than or equal toIs greater thanIs betweenIs not betweenIs empty (NULL)Is not empty (NOT NULL)Regular expressionNot regular expression And Sort by Feed nameAs fedOn dry matterOn other basis Order AscDesc Feed Perimeter As fed SD Range On DM SD Range Unit Other SD Range Unit Count Count Count Seashells, ground - 102 % 2