
Name Definition
Alfalfa protein concentrate

Protein concentrate obtained by pressing the aerial part of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). In one commercial process, fresh alfalfa is first pressed to obtain a green juice. This juice is then heated and steamed to produce a protein coagulate. This coagulate is separated from the liquid by centrifugation, and then dried. Alfalfa protein concentrate is used for its high content in protein and pigments (caroten, xanthophylls).

Alfalfa, dehydrated, protein 16-18% dry matter

Dehydrated aerial part of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), containing between 16% and 18% protein (in dry matter).

Alfalfa, dehydrated, protein 17-19% dry matter

Dehydrated aerial part of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), containing between 17% and 19% protein (in dry matter).

Alfalfa, dehydrated, protein 19-22% dry matter

Dehydrated aerial part of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), containing between 19% and 22% protein (in dry matter).

Alfalfa, dehydrated, protein 22-25% dry matter

Dehydrated aerial part of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), containing between 22% and 25% protein (in dry matter).

Alfalfa, dehydrated, protein < 16% dry matter

Dehydrated aerial part of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), containing less than 16% protein (in dry matter).

Alfalfa, dehydrated, protein > 25% dry matter

Dehydrated aerial part of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) containing more than 25% protein (in dry matter).

Ammonium ferric citrate

Organic chemical compound with the formula (NH4)5(Fe(C6H4O7)2). It is used in animal feeds as an anticaking agent. Other name: ammonium iron(III) citrate.

Ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate

Inorganic chemical compound, normally encountered as the tetrahydrate, with the chemical formula (NH4)6Mo7O24·4H2O. It is a colorless solid. Other names: ammonium paramolybdate, ammonium molybdate.

Apple pomace, dried

Dried byproduct of apple juice or cider manufacture obtained by pressing apples (Malus communis Poir.). Apple pomace contains the peels, pulp and seeds.

Bakery byproduct

Byproduct of bread manufacture, consisting of bread and other bakery products unfit for human consumption.

Bananas, immature, dried

Dried, immature fruits of the banana tree (Musa sp.). Starch is the main carbohydrate of immature bananas and is transformed into solubles sugars during ripening.


Barley grain (Hordeum vulgare L.). This feed includes two-row and six-row barleys but not hulless ("naked") varieties.

Barley distillers grains, dried

Byproduct of alcohol (ethanol) manufacture, obtained from the distillery of barley grains (Hordeum vulgare L.), and consisting of spent grains with the soluble fraction added. Alternative spellings: barley distiller's grains, barley distillers' grains.

Barley distillers grains, whisky production, fresh

Fresh byproduct of whisky manufacture, obtained from the distillery of barley grains (Hordeum vulgare L.), and consisting of spent grains.

Barley rootlets, dried

Dried byproduct of brewery consisting of the rootlets and germs of sprouted barley grains (Hordeum vulgare L.) obtained after cleaning the malted barley. Other name: malt culms.

Beet pulp, dried

Dried byproduct of sugar manufacture, obtained after extracting the juice from sugar beet roots (Beta vulgaris L.). Other name: sugar beet pulp.

Beet pulp, pressed

Humid byproduct of sugar manufacture, obtained after extracting the juice from sugar beet roots (Beta vulgaris L.). The resulting solids are pressed to reduce water content down to 70-80%.

Biscuit byproduct

Byproduct of biscuit manufacture, consisting of broken biscuits or of biscuits unfit for human consumption. This is a highly variable product, as its composition depends on that of the original material. However, there are commercial biscuit byproducts that have been homogenized to make their composition less variable.

Black soldier fly larvae, fat < 20%, dried

Larvae of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens Linnaeus 1758), defatted or partially defatted, dehydrated. Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Black soldier fly larvae, fat > 20%, dried

Larvae of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens Linnaeus 1758), not defatted, dehydrated. Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Blood meal

Dried slaughterhouse byproduct, obtained by collecting and drying the blood of slaughtered warm-blooded animals. Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Brewers grains, dried

Dried byproduct of brewery, consisting of the spent grains left after the production of beer and other malt products (malt extracts and malt vinegar). Though beer can be made with other grains, such as sorghum or rice, the values indicated below are only for brewers grains obtained from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Alternative spellings: brewer's grains, brewers' grains.

Brewers yeast, dried

Dried byproduct of brewery, consisting of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) remaining in the fermentation vats of malt wort after removal of the fermented liquid. It is generally sold in dried form.

Buckwheat hulls

Hulls of buckwheat seeds (Fagopyrum esculentum L.). This is a byproduct of the processing of buckwheat for milling or other purposes.

Ca Al Fe phosphate

Phosphate minerals based on the phosphate anion and the elements calcium, aluminium and iron.

Calcium carbonate

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula CaCO3. It is commonly found in rocks, notably limestone (as calcite and aragonite), and it is the main component of marine shells. Calcium carbonate is used in animal feeding as a source of calcium.

Calcium chloride anhydrous

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula CaCl2. It is a colorless crystalline solid at room temperature, highly soluble in water.

Calcium chloride dihydrate

Hydrated inorganic chemical compound and common form of calcium chloride with the formula CaCl2·2H2O.

Calcium iodate anhydrous

Inorganic chemical compound composed of calcium and iodate anion with the formula Ca(IO3)2.

Calcium iodate hexahydrate

Hydrated inorganic compound composed of calcium and iodate anion, with the formula Ca(IO3)2·6H2O.

Calcium iodide

Inorganic chemical compound and the ionic compound of calcium and iodine with the formula CaI2.

Calcium magnesium phosphate

Chemical complex of monodicalcium phosphate and magnesium phosphate with the formula (Ca, Mg)PO4·nH2O

Calcium selenite

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula CaO3Se.

Calcium sulfate anhydrous

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula CaSO4. Alternative spelling: calcium sulphate (UK).

Calcium sulfate dihydrate

Hydrated inorganic chemical compound with the formula CaSO4·2H2O. Alternative spelling: calcium sulphate (UK).

Camelina oil meal, oil > 5%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of camelina seeds (Camelina sativa Crantz) using mechanical pressure only.

Canola meal, oil < 5%

By-product of the manufacture of rapeseed oil, obtained by solvent extraction of rapeseeds of Canola type.

Carob pod meal

Byproduct of the extraction of mannogalactan from carob seeds (Ceratonia siliqua L.), consisting of dried and ground carob pods.

Cassava pulp, dried

Dried cassava pulp is a dried by-product of the extraction of starch from cassava roots (Manihot esculenta Crantz).  This is a highly variable product.

Cassava, starch 66-70%

Dried cassava roots (Manihot esculenta Crantz), containing 66-70% starch (as fed). Cassava roots are usually provided as chips, pellets or meal (ground chips).

Cassava, starch 70-74%

Dried cassava roots (Manihot esculenta Crantz), containing 70-74% starch (as fed). Cassava roots are usually provided as chips, pellets or meal (ground chips).

Cereal offal, crude fibre 5-14%

Byproduct of the processing of cereal grains of undetermined species. This product contains 5-14% (as fed) of crude fibre.

Cereal offal, crude fibre > 14%

Byproduct of the processing of cereal grains of undetermined species. This product contains more than 14% (as fed) of crude fibre.

Chickpea, kabuli type

Seeds of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) from kabuli varieties. Kabuli (also called garbanzo) chickpeas are tan-coated and are grown primarily in the Mediterranean area and in South America. They contain less crude fibre than the smaller and dark-coated desi types grown in the Indian subcontinent.

Chicory pulp, dehydrated

Byproduct of the extraction of fructose and inuline from chicory roots (Cichorium intybus L.).

Citrus pulp, dried

Dried byproduct of the processing of citrus fruit (Citrus spp.) for juice production or canning. It consists principally of the pulp and can include the skin and the pips. The orange (Citrus × sinensis (L.) Osbeck) is the main cultivated species.

Citrus pulp, fresh

Fresh byproduct of the processing of citrus fruit (Citrus spp.) for juice production or canning. It consists principally of the pulp and can include the skin and the pips. The orange (Citrus × sinensis (L.) Osbeck) is the main cultivated species.

Cobalt carbonate FG

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula CoCO3. This product is of feed grade quality. Other name: cobalt(II) carbonate.

Cobalt glucoheptonate

Chemical compound that is a salt of colbalt used for cobalt supplementation.

Cobalt oxide FG

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula CoO. This product is of feed grade quality. Other names: cobalt(II) oxide, cobalt monoxide.

Cobalt selenite

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula CoO3Se.

Cobalt sulfate heptahydrate

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula CoSO4·7H2O, which is one of the most commonly available salts of cobalt. Alternative spelling: cobalt sulphate heptahydrate (UK). Other name: cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate.

Cocoa hulls

Hulls of cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao L.) and the byproduct of the dehulling step in the extraction of cocoa butter. Cocoa hulls are different from cocoa husks, which are the empty pods resulting from the removal of the beans. Other name: cocoa shells.

Cocoa meal, oil < 5%

Byproduct of the manufacture of cocoa butter (Theobroma cacao L.), obtained by complete extraction of cocoa beans.

Cod liver oil

Oil extracted from the liver of cod fish (Gadus spp.). It has higher concentrations in vitamin D and A than regular fish oil.

Common bean

Seed of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Common beans are normally used for human food but can occasionally be fed to livestock. The common bean is known under many names (kidney bean, French bean, navy bean...), depending on the variety.

Common vetch

Seed of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.), a grain legume.

Copper acetate

Organic chemical compound with the formula Cu(OAc)2 where (OAc) is acetate (CH3CO2-). Other names: copper(II) acetate, cupric acetate.

Copper carbonate

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula Cu2CO3(OH)2. Other names: copper carbonate, copper(II) carbonate hydroxide.

Copper chloride dihydrate

Copper(II) chloride is the chemical compound with the formula CuCl2·2H2O.

Copper chloride tribasic

Dicopper chloride trihydroxide is the chemical compound with the formula Cu2(OH)3Cl. It is often referred to as tribasic copper chloride (TBCC), copper trihydroxyl chloride or copper hydroxychloride.

Copper citrate

Organic chemical compound with the formula Cu3(C6H5O7)2. Other name: copper(II) citrate.

Copper lysine

Lysine and copper complex used as a source of organic copper. These products have a variable copper content.

Copper methionine

Methionine and copper complex used as a source of organic copper. These products have a variable copper content.

Copper oxide

Copper(II) oxide or cupric oxide is the inorganic compound with the formula CuO.

Copper proteinate

Complex chemical compound where copper is chelated with short-chain peptides. These products have a variable copper content.

Copper sulfate

Copper(II) sulfate, also known as cupric sulfate, or copper sulphate, is the inorganic compound with the chemical formula CuSO4·nH2O, where n can range from 0 to 5. Copper(I) sulfate (Cu2SO4) is unstable and not used.

Copra meal, oil 5-20%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained after extraction from the dried kernels (copra) of the coconut fruit (Cocos nucifera L.). This product has a high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only. Other names: coconut meal, coconut oil meal.

Copra meal, oil < 5%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained after extraction from the dried kernels (copra) of the coconut fruit (Cocos nucifera L.). This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction. Other names: copra oil meal, coconut meal, coconut oil meal.

Copra oil

Oil extracted from the dried kernels (copra) of the coconut fruit (Cocos nucifera L.). Other name: coconut oil.

Corn gluten feed

Byproduct of the manufacture of starch obtained from maize grain (Zea mays L.) by wet milling. It is composed of bran and gluten, to which steeping liquor and germs, deoiled or not, may be added. The values below are given for dried corn gluten feed but this product is also sold in humid form. Other name: maize gluten feed.

Corn gluten meal

Byproduct of the manufacture of starch from maize grain (Zea mays L.) by wet milling. It consists principally of gluten obtained during the separation of starch. Corn gluten meal is a protein-rich feed (about 60%) and is a different product from corn gluten feed (about 20% protein). Other names: maize gluten meal, corn gluten, maize gluten.

Cottonseed hulls

Hulls of cotton seeds (Gossypium spp.), a byproduct of the dehulling step in cotton seed processing.

Cottonseed meal, oil 5-20%, crude fibre 15-20%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of partially dehulled cotton seeds (Gossypium spp.). This product has a high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only. 

Cottonseed meal, oil 5-20%, crude fibre < 15%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of dehulled cottonseeds (Gossypium spp.). This product has a high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only. 

Cottonseed meal, oil < 5%, crude fibre 15-20%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of partially dehulled cotton seeds (Gossypium spp.). This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction.

Cottonseed meal, oil < 5%, crude fibre < 15%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of dehulled cotton seeds (Gossypium spp.). This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction.

Cottonseed, whole

Whole seed of cotton (Gossypium spp.). Other name: full-fat cottonseed.

Cottonseed, whole, extruded

Extruded whole seed of cotton (Gossypium spp.). Other name: full-fat cottonseed.

Cowpea seed

Seed of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). Cowpea is a grain legume popular as human food in Africa and in some regions of Asia and the Americas. Other names: black-eyed pea, black-eyed bean, asparagus bean.

Diammonium phosphate

Inorganic chemical compound and water-soluble ammonium phosphate salt with the formula (NH4)2HPO4. Other name: diammonium hydrogen phosphate.

Dicalcium phosphate anhydrous

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula CaHPO4. It is one of the main calcium phosphates used in animal feeding.

Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate

Hydrated inorganic chemical compound with the formula CaHPO4·2H2O. It is one of the main calcium phosphates used in animal feeding.

Diiodosalicylic acid

Organic chemical compound with the formula I2C6H2(OH)CO2H. Full name: 3,5-diiodosalicylic acid.

Disodium phosphate anhydrous

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula Na2HPO4. Other name: sodium hydrogen phosphate.

Disodium phosphate hydrate

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula Na2HPO4·nH2O.


DL-methionine produced by chemical synthesis.

Dolomite limestone

Dolomite is a sedimentary rock composed of the minerals calcite and aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), and of up to 50% dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2).

Ethylenediamine dihydroiodide

Organic chemical compound composed of ethylenediammonium dication (C2H4(NH3)22+) and iodide anions. It is a water-soluble salt used as an additive with high biovavailability to prevent iodine deficiency in animals feeds. Abbreviation: EDDI.

Faba bean, coloured flowers

Seed of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) from high-tannin, coloured-flowered varieties. Other names: horse bean, field bean.

Faba bean, coloured flowers, extruded

Extruded seed of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) from high-tannin, coloured-flowered varieties. Other names: horse bean, field bean.

Faba bean, white flowers

Seed of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) from low-tannin, white-flowered varieties. Other names: horse bean, field bean.

Feather meal

Animal byproduct obtained by hydrolysing, drying and grinding poultry feathers. Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Ferric chloride

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula FeCl3. Other names: iron(III) chloride, ferric chloride.

Ferric citrate

Organic chemical compound consisting of one atom of iron (Fe3+) and one citrate anion. This product has a variable iron content. Other name: ferric citrate, iron(III) citrate.

Ferric phosphate

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula FePO4. Other names: iron(III) phosphate, ferric phosphate.

Ferric polyphosphate

Inorganic chemical compound consisting of ferric ions sequestered by polyphosphates. These products have a variable iron content. Other name: iron(III) polyphosphate.

Ferric pyrophosphate

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula Fe4(P2O7)3. Other name: iron(III) pyrophosphate.

Ferric sodium pyrophosphate

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula FeNaO7P2. Other name: iron(III) sodium pyrophosphate.

Ferrous carbonate

Inorganic chemical compound with formula FeCO3. It occurs naturally as the mineral siderite. Other names: iron(II) carbonate, ferrous carbonate.

Ferrous chloride

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula FeCl2. Other names: iron(II) chloride, ferrous chloride.

Ferrous sulfate monohydrate

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula FeSO4·H2O. Alternative spellings: Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate, ferrous sulphate monohydrate (UK). Other names: iron(II) sulfate monohydrate, ferrous sulfate monohydrate.

Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula FeSO4·7H2O. Other names: iron(II) sulphate heptahydrate, ferrous sulphate heptahydrate.

Fish meal, protein 62%

Fish product or fishery byproduct obtained by processing whole or parts of fish. This type of fish meal contains 58-63% protein (as fed). Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Fish meal, protein 65%

Fish product or fishery byproduct obtained by processing whole or parts of fish. This type of fish meal contains 63-68% protein (as fed). Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Fish meal, protein 70%

Fish product or fishery byproduct obtained by processing whole or parts of fish. This type of fish meal contains 68-75% protein (as fed). Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Fish oil, anchovy

Oil extracted from fish of the anchovy family (Engraulis and other genera).

Fish oil, capelin

Oil extracted from the capelin fish (Mallotus villosus O. F. Müller 1776).

Fish oil, herring

Oil extracted from fish of the herring family (Atlantic herring Clupea harengus Linnaeus 1758 and other species).

Fish oil, menhaden

Oil extracted from fish of the menhaden family (Brevoortia spp.).

Fish oil, rockfish

Oil extracted from fish of the rockfish family (Sebastes spp.).

Fish oil, salmon

Oil extracted from fish from the salmon family (Oncorhynchus spp. and Salmo salar Linnaeus 1758).

Fish oil, sardine

Oil extracted from fish from the sardine family (Sardina and other genera).

Fish solubles, condensed, defatted

Concentrated fish soluble proteins obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis, filtration, concentration and dehydration of whole fish or filleting waste, containing less than 15% fat (as fed). Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Fish solubles, condensed, fat

Concentrated fish soluble proteins obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis, filtration, concentration and dehydration of whole fish or filleting waste, containing more than 15% fat (as fed). Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Fodder beet, raw

Whole fresh root of beet (Beta vulgaris L.) of fodder varieties.

Grape pomace, dried

Dried byproduct of winery or grape juice manufacture obtained from the pressure of grapes (Vitis vinifera L.). Grape pomace typically contains the pulp, skins, seeds (pips) and sometimes the branches. Grape pomace without the seeds and branches is often called grape marc or grape pulp, but those terms are also used as synonyms.

Grape pulp, dried

Dried byproduct of winery or grape juice manufacture obtained from the pressure of grapes (Vitis vinifera L.). Grape pulp typically contains the pulp and skins, but not the seeds (pips) or the branches. It is sometimes synonym of grape marc or grape pomace, though the latter product often contains also the seeds and branches.

Grape seeds

Dried byproduct of wine or grape juice manufacture obtained from the pressure of grapes (Vitis vinifera L.). Grape seeds result from the removal of the seeds in certain processes.

Grapeseed oil meal

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of grape seeds (Vitis vinifera L.).

Grass, dehydrated

Dehydrated grass from undetermined species.

Groundnut meal, oil 5-20%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of groundnut seeds (Arachis hypogaea L.). This product has a high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only. Other names: groundnut cake, groundnut oil cake, peanut cake, peanut oil cake, peanut meal, peanut oil meal.

Groundnut meal, oil < 5%, crude fibre < 9%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of groundnut seeds (Arachis hypogaea L.). The relatively low fibre content is due to the limited amount of skins and shells. It has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction. Other names: peanut meal, peanut oil meal.

Groundnut meal, oil < 5%, crude fibre > 9%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of groundnut seeds (Arachis hypogaea L.). The relatively high fibre content is due to the presence of skins and shells. It has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction. Other names: peanut meal, peanut oil meal.

Jatropha oil meal, oil < 5%, dehulled, detoxified

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of dehulled jatropha seeds (kernels) (Jatropha curcas L.). This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction. Jatropha meal must be detoxified to be usable.


L-arginine produced by fermentation


L-isoleucine produced by fermentation

L-lysine HCl

Monochlorydrate of L-lysine obtained by fermentation from carbohydrate sources.


L-threonine obtained by fermentation from carbohydrate sources.


L-tryptophan obtained by fermentation from carbohydrate sources.


L-valine obtained by fermentation from carbohydrate sources.


Slaughterhouse byproduct consisting of rendered fat from pigs (Sus scrofa L.).


Seeds of lentil (Lens esculenta Moench). Lentil is a major grain legume used around the world as human food.


Sedimentary rock, composed mainly of the minerals calcite and aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Limestone is used in animal feeding as a source of calcium.

Linseed meal, oil < 5%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of linseeds (Linum usitatissimum L.). This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction. Other names: flaxseed meal, flaxseed oil meal.

Linseed meal, oil > 5%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of linseeds (Linum usitatissimum L.). This product has a high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only. Other names: linseed cake, linseed oil cake, linseed oilcake, flaxseed meal, flaxseed oil meal, flaxseed oilmeal.

Linseed, whole

Whole linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Other names: full-fat linseed, full-fat flaxseed

Linseed, whole, extruded

Extruded, whole linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Other names: full-fat linseed, full-fat flaxseed

Liquid potato feed

Liquid byproduct of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) processing, consisting of peels and discarded potato pieces.

Lupin, blue

Seed of blue lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.). Blue lupin is a blue-flowered grain legume cultivated for its seeds for animal feed and human consumption. Other names: narrowleaf lupin, narrow-leaved lupin.

Lupin, white

Seed of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). White lupin is a white-flowered grain legume cultivated for its seeds for animal feed and human consumption.

Lupin, white, extruded

Extruded seed of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). White lupin is a white-flowered grain legume cultivated for its seeds for animal feed and human consumption.

Magnesium acetate

Organic chemical compound with the formula Mg(C2H3O2)2 in anhydrous form. The hydrated form magnesium acetate tetrahydrate has the chemical formula Mg(CH3CO2)2·4H2O.

Magnesium carbonate RG

Inorganic chemical compound (salt) with the formula MgCO3. This product is of reagent quality.

Magnesium citrate

Organic chemical compound that is a magnesium preparation in salt form with citric acid in a 1:1 ratio. As a food additive, magnesium citrate is used to regulate acidity and is known as E345.

Magnesium hydroxide

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula Mg(OH)2.

Magnesium lactate

Organic chemical compound that is the magnesium salt of lactic acid. This mineral supplement is used as an acidity regulator and known as E329.

Magnesium oxide

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula MgO. Other name: magnesia.

Magnesium oxide, granular

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula MgO. Granular form: 25% of particles > 500µ. Other name: magnesia.

Magnesium oxide, powder

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula MgO. Other name: magnesia.

Magnesium phosphate

Inorganic chemical compound consisting of monobasic (Mg(H2PO4)2) and/or dibasic (MgHPO4) and/or tribasic magnesium phosphate (Mg3(PO4)2), in hydrate or anhydrous forms.

Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate RG

Hydrated inorganic chemical compound (salt) with the formula MgSO4·7H2O. This product is of reagent quality. Other names: epsomite, Epsom salt. Alternative spelling: magnesium sulphate heptahydrate (UK).

Magnesium sulfate monohydrate RG

Hydrated inorganic chemical compound (salt) with the formula MgSO4·H2O. This product is of reagent quality. Other name: kieserite. Alternative spelling: magnesium sulphate monohydrate (UK).


Maize grain (Zea mays L.). Other name: corn (USA).

Maize bran

Byproduct of flour or grits manufacture from maize grain (Zea mays L.). It consists principally of outer skins, some germ fragments, and endosperm particles. Maize bran is an extremely variable product. Other name: corn bran (USA).

Maize bran, starch production

Byproduct of the manufacture of starch obtained from maize grain (Zea mays L.) by wet milling. It consists principally of the bran with some germ fragments.

Maize distillers grains and solubles, oil < 6 %, dried

Dried byproduct of alcohol (beverages) manufacture, obtained from the distillery of maize grains (Zea mays L.), consisting of spent grains and steepwater solubles in variable proportions. This product contains less residual oil than regular maize distillers. Other names and alternative spellings: dried distillers grains with solubles, maize DDGS, corn DDGS, maize distillers' grains, maize distiller's grains, corn distillers.

Maize distillers grains with solubles, ethanol production, dried

Byproduct of alcohol (ethanol) manufacture, obtained from the distillery of maize grains (Zea mays L.), consisting of spent grains and steepwater solubles in variable proportions. Other names and alternative spellings: dried distillers grains with solubles, maize DDGS, corn DDGS, maize distillers' grains, maize distiller's grains, corn distillers.

Maize flour byproduct, protein 8-18%, oil 14-30%

Byproduct of flour or grits manufacture from maize grain (Zea mays L.), consisting of maize germs and other grain fragments.

Maize flour byproduct, protein 8-18%, oil 5-14%

Byproduct of flour or grits manufacture from maize grain (Zea mays L.), consisting of maize germs and other grain fragments.

Maize flour byproduct, protein 8-18%, oil <5%

Byproduct of flour or grits manufacture from maize grain (Zea mays L.), consisting of grain fragments and some maize germs.

Maize flour, crude fibre 2-10%

Byproduct of flour or grits manufacture from maize grain (Zea mays L.), consisting principally of particles of endosperm with fragments of germs and outer skins.

Maize flour, crude fibre < 2%

Maize flour (Zea mays L.), normally used for human consumption or for petfood.

Maize germ meal, oil 5-20%

Byproduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of maize germs (Zea mays L.), consisting of spent germs to which parts of the endosperm and outer skins may still adhere. This product has a high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only. Other name: corn germ meal (USA).

Maize germ meal, oil < 5%

Byproduct of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of maize germs (Zea mays L.), consisting of spent germs to which parts of the endosperm and outer skins may still adhere. This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction. Other name: corn germ meal (USA).

Maize germs

Dehydrated maize germs (Zea mays L.). Maize germs contain usually more than 30% oil (as fed). Other name: corn germs (USA).

Maize starch

Starch extracted from maize grain (Zea mays L.). Other name: corn starch (USA).

Maize, extruded

Extruded maize grain (Zea mays L.). Other name: extruded corn (USA).

Maize, flaked

Flaked or rolled maize grain (Zea mays L.). Other name: flaked corn, rolled corn (USA).

Maize, high moisture

Humid maize grain (Zea mays L.). This product contains 60-70% dry matter. Other name: humid corn (USA).

Manganese carbonate

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula MnCO3.

Manganese chloride dihydrate

Hydrated inorganic chemical compound with the formula MnCl2·2H2O. Other name: manganese(II) chloride dihydrate.

Manganese chloride tetrahydrate

Hydrated inorganic chemical compound with the formula MnCl2·4H2O. It is the most common form of manganese(II) chloride. Other name: manganese(II) chloride tetrahydrate.

Manganese methionine

Organic chemical compound consisting of a complex of methionine and manganese used as a source of organic manganese. These products have a variable manganese content.

Manganese oxide MnO

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula MnO. Other name: manganese(II) oxide.

Manganese oxide MnO-Mn2O3

Inorganic chemical compound consistinf of a mixture of manganese(II) oxide MnO and manganese(IV) oxide Mn2O3.

Manganese oxide MnO2

Inorganic compound with the formula MnO2. Other names: manganese(IV) oxide, manganese dioxide.

Manganese proteinate

Organic chemical compound that consists of manganese chelated with short-chain peptides.

Manganese sulfate monohydrate

Manganese(II) sulfate monohydrate, or manganese sulfate monohydrate, is the hydrated inorganic chemical compound (salt) with the formula MnSO4·H2O. Alternative spellings: Manganese(II) sulphate monohydrate, manganese sulphate monohydrate (UK).

Mealworm larvae, dried

Dried larvae of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus 1758), a beetle insect. Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Methionine Hydroxy Analog MHA

Organic chemical compound used in animal feeding as an analogue of DL-methionine. Full name: DL-2-hydroxy-(4-methylthio) butanoic acid.

Milk powder, skimmed

Dried skimmed milk.

Milk powder, whole

Dried whole milk.

Millet, pearl

Grain of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.). Other names: candle millet, dark millet, bajra, Indian millet, horse millet, bulrush millet, cattail millet.

Millet, proso

Grain of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.). Other names: common millet, broomtail millet, hog millet, white millet, broomcorn millet.

Molasses, beet

Syrupy byproduct of sugar manufacture, obtained from the crystallisation of beet sugar (Beta vulgaris L.).

Molasses, sugarcane

Syrupy byproduct of sugar manufacture, obtained from the crystallisation of cane sugar (Saccharum officinarum L.).

Molybdenum metal

Molybdenum (Mo) in metallic form.

Molybdenum trioxide

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula MoO3.

Monoammonium phosphate

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula NH4H2PO4. Other name: ammonium dihydrogen phosphate.

Monocalcium phosphate

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula CaH4(PO4)2 in anhydrous form or CaH4(PO4)2·H2O in hydrated form.

Monodicalcium phosphate

Inorganic chemical compound composed of equal proportions of dicalcium phosphate and monocalcium phosphate.

Monosodium phosphate anhydrous

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula NaH2PO4.

Monosodium phosphate anhydrous FG

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula NaH2PO4. This product is of feed grade quality.

Monosodium phosphate hydrate

Hydrated inorganic chemical compound with the formula NaH2PO4·nH2O.

Monosodium phosphate hydrate FG

Hydrated inorganic chemical compound with the formula NaH2PO4·nH2O. This product is of feed grade quality.

Mustard bran

Byproduct of mustard manufacture obtained from the processing of the seeds of mustard (Sinapis alba L., Brassica juncea (L.) Czern., Brassica nigra L.), consisting of seed hulls and other seed fractions.

Oat groats

Oat grain (Avena sativa L.) from which the hulls have been removed.

Oat hulls

Outer envelopes of the oat grain (Avena sativa L.) and byproduct of oat processing.


Oat grain (Avena sativa L.).

Oats, flaked

Flaked or rolled oat grain (Avena sativa L.).

Olive oil cake, with pits, oil < 5%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of olive fruits (Olea europaea L.). This product contains pits. It has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction.

Olive oil cake, with pits, oil > 5%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of olive fruits (Olea europaea L.). This product contains pits. It has a high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only.

Olive pulp, oil < 10%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of olive fruits (Olea europaea L.). This product does not contain pits. It has a relatively low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure, possibly followed by solvent extraction.

Olive pulp, oil > 10%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of olive fruits (Olea europaea L.). This product does not contain pits. It has a relatively high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only.

Palm kernel meal, oil 5-20%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of palm fruit kernels (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. or Elaeis melanococca auct.). This product has a high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only. 

Palm kernel meal, oil < 5%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of palm fruit kernels (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. or Elaeis melanococca auct.). This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction. 

Palm oil

Oil extracted from the pulp (mesocarp) of palm fruits (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. or Elaeis melanococca auct.). Palm oil is a different product from palm kernel oil, which is extracted from the fruit kernels.


Seed of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Pea is one of the main grain legumes worldwide, and some varieties are grown for animal feeding.

Pea protein concentrate

Protein fraction of the pea seed (Pisum sativum L.), extracted by a wet process.

Pea, extruded

Extruded seeds of pea (Pisum sativum L.).

Pentacalcium orthoperiodate

Inorganic chemical compound (salt) with the formula Ca5(IO6)2.

Phosphate, defluorinated

Inorganic chemical compound obtained from natural phosphates (consisting mostly of tricalcium phosphate) defluorinated by calcination.

Potassium iodide

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula KI, widely used as medication and dietary supplement.

Potato protein concentrate

Dried byproduct of starch manufacture from potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) consisting mainly of protein substances obtained after the separation of starch.

Potato pulp, dried

Dried byproduct of the processing (particularly starch manufacture) of potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.).

Potato tuber, dried

Dried whole potato tuber (Solanum tuberosum L.). These are cull potatoes from potato production and potato processing industries.

Poultry fat

Slaughterhouse byproduct consisting of fat rendered from poultry processing.

Processed animal proteins, pig

Slaugherhouse byproduct obtained from healthy pigs slaughtered for human consumption. The product is ground, sterilized by cooking, and dried. Note: check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Processed animal proteins, poultry, protein 45-60%

Slaugherhouse byproduct obtained from healthy poultry slaughtered for human consumption. The product is ground, sterilized by cooking, and dried. The product must be substantially free of feathers. Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Processed animal proteins, poultry, protein 60-70%

Slaugherhouse byproduct obtained from healthy poultry slaughtered for human consumption. The product is ground, sterilized by cooking, and dried. The product must be substantially free of feathers. Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Processed animal proteins, poultry, protein > 70%

Slaugherhouse byproduct obtained from healthy poultry slaughtered for human consumption. The product is ground, sterilized by cooking, and dried. The product must be substantially free of feathers. Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Rapeseed meal, oil 5-20%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of rapeseeds (Brassica napus L., Brassica rapa L. and Brassica juncea L., and their crosses) from varieties having a low content in erucic acid and glucosinolates ("00" in Europe, canola in North America). This product has a high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only. Other names: rapeseed cake, "00" rapeseed meal, canola cake, canola meal (for North American rapeseed cultivars).

Rapeseed meal, oil < 5%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of rapeseeds (Brassica napus L., Brassica rapa L. and Brassica juncea L., and their crosses) from varieties having a low content in erucic acid and glucosinolates ("00" in Europe, canola in North America). This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction. Other names: "00" rapeseed meal, canola meal (for North American rapeseed cultivars).

Rapeseed oil

Oil extracted from rapeseeds (Brassica napus L., Brassica rapa L. and Brassica juncea L., and their crosses) from varieties having a low content in erucic acid and glucosinolates. Other name: canola oil (for North American rapeseed varieties).

Rapeseed, whole

Whole rapeseed (Brassica napus L., Brassica rapa L. and Brassica juncea L., and their crosses) from varieties having a low content in erucic acid and glucosinolates ("00" in Europe, canola in North America). Other name: full-fat rapeseed, full-fat canola seed.

Rapeseed, whole, extruded

Extruded whole rapeseed (Brassica napus L., Brassica rapa L. and Brassica juncea L., and their crosses) from varieties having a low content in erucic acid and glucosinolates ("00" in Europe, canola in North America). Other name: full-fat rapeseed, full-fat canola seed.

Rice bran, oil < 5%, crude fibre 11-20%

Byproduct of the processing of rice grain (Oryza sativa L.), consisting in envelopes, germs and fragments of endosperm. This product has been defatted. Other name: defatted rice bran.

Rice bran, oil < 5%, crude fibre 5-11%

Byproduct of the processing of rice grain (Oryza sativa L.), consisting in envelopes, germs and fragments of endosperm. This product has been defatted. Other name: defatted rice bran.

Rice bran, oil < 5%, crude fibre > 20%

Byproduct of the processing of rice grain (Oryza sativa L.), consisting in envelopes, germs and fragments of endosperm. This product has been defatted and contains significant amounts of hulls. Other name: defatted rice bran.

Rice bran, oil > 5%, crude fibre 11-20%

Byproduct of the processing of rice grain (Oryza sativa L.), consisting in envelopes, germs and fragments of endosperm. This product has not been defatted. Other name: full-fat rice bran.

Rice bran, oil > 5%, crude fibre 5-11%

Byproduct of the processing of rice grain (Oryza sativa L.), consisting in envelopes, germs and fragments of endosperm. This product has not been defatted. Other name: full-fat rice bran.

Rice bran, oil > 5%, crude fibre > 20%

Byproduct of the processing of rice grain (Oryza sativa L.), consisting in envelopes, germs and fragments of endosperm. This product has not been defatted and contains significant amounts of hulls. Other name: full-fat rice bran.

Rice distillers grains with solubles, protein 40-50%, dried

Dehydrated byproduct of rice distillation (Oryza sativa L.) for the fabrication of alcohol (ethanol), consisting of spent grains and steepwater solubles in variable proportions.

Rice hulls

Byproduct of the processing of rice grain (Oryza sativa L.), consisting mostly in outer grain envelopes.

Rice shorts, oil < 5%, crude fibre < 5%

Byproduct of the processing of rice grain (Oryza sativa L.), consisting in fragments of endosperm and germs.

Rice shorts, oil > 5%, crude fibre < 5%

Byproduct of the processing of rice grain (Oryza sativa L.), consisting in fragments of endosperm and germs. This product has not been defatted.

Rice, brown

Unpolished rice grain (Oryza sativa L.) without the hulls but with the outer grain layers.

Rice, paddy

Whole rice grain (Oryza sativa L.) with the hulls included. Paddy rice is further decorticated into brown rice (elimination of the hulls), pearled (elimination of the germ and pericarp) and polished.

Rice, polished, broken

Byproduct of the polishing process in the manufacture of polished rice (Oryza sativa L.), consisting of small or broken grains.


Rye grain (Secale cereale L.).

Seashells, ground

Ground shells of marine molluscs, such as oysters. Seashells are used in animal feeding as a source of calcium carbonate.

Selenium methionine

Methionine and selenium complex used as a source of organic selenium. These products have a variable selenium content.

Selenium yeast

Selenium yeast is produced by fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast in a selenium-rich media. It is a source of food and feed form selenium. These products have a variable selenium content.

Sesame meal, oil > 5%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum L.). This product has a high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only. Other name: sesame cake, sesame oil cake.

Sheanut oil meal, oil > 5%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of sheanut seeds (Vitellaria paradoxa C. F. Gaertn.) for the production of sheanut butter. This product has a high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only.

Shrimp meal

Dried byproduct of the shrimp processing industry, consisting of soft tissues and shells of shrimps and prawns. Note: it is recommended to check the regulatory status of this product before using it for livestock feeding.

Sodium bicarbonate

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula NaHCO3. Sodium bicarbonate is a major food additive, and is used in livestock feeding as a buffering agent.

Sodium chloride

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula NaCl. Other names : salt, halite.

Sodium iodide

Inorganic chemical compound (salt) with the formula NaI.

Sodium molybdate dihydrate

Hydrated inorganic chemical compound with the formula Na2MoO4·2H2O. It is one of the main sources of supplemental molybdenum.

Sodium selenate

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula Na2SeO4.

Sodium selenite

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula Na2SeO3.

Sodium sulfate

Inorganic chemical compound with formula Na2SO4. Alternative spelling: sodium sulphate (UK).

Sodium-calcium-magnesium phosphate

Inorganic chemical complex of dicalcium phosphate, dimagnesium phosphate and disodium phosphate with the formula (Na, Ca, Mg) PO4·nH2O.


Sorghum grain (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). The nutritional values for monogastric animals correspond to low-tannin varieties.

Soybean hulls

Byproduct of the processing of soybean seeds (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) for the manufacture of soybean oil and other soy-based products, consisting of the outer envelopes obtained after the dehulling step of the process.

Soybean meal, oil 5-20%

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of soybean seeds (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). This product has a high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only.

Soybean meal, oil < 5%, 46% protein + oil

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of soybean seeds (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), with partial reintroduction of the hulls. This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction. It should contain about 46% (as fed) of protein + oil.

Soybean meal, oil < 5%, 48% protein + oil

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of soybean seeds (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), with partial reintroduction of the hulls. This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction. It should contain about 48% (as fed) of protein + oil.

Soybean meal, oil < 5%, 48% protein + oil, extruded

Extuded byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of soybean seeds (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), with partial reintroduction of the hulls. This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction. It should contain about 46% (as fed) of protein + oil.

Soybean meal, oil < 5%, 48% protein + oil, formaldehyde-treated

Formaldehyde-treated byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of soybean seeds (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), with partial reintroduction of the hulls. This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction. It has been treated with formaldehyde to reduce the degradability of protein in the rumen, resulting in a higher availability of protein in the intestine. It should contain about 48% (as fed) of protein + oil.

Soybean meal, oil < 5%, 50% protein + oil

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of soybean seeds (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), without reintroduction of the hulls. This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction. It should contain about 50% (as fed) of protein + oil.

Soybean molasses

Syrupy byproduct of the manufacture of protein concentrate obtained by aqueous alcohol extraction of soybean seeds (Glycine max (L.) Merr.).

Soybean oil

Oil extracted from soybean seeds (Glycine max (L.) Merr.).

Soybean protein concentrate, protein 50-60%

Protein concentrate obtained from defatted and ground soybean seeds (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) by the separation of soluble fractions, ash and non-nitrogenous compounds.

Soybean protein concentrate, protein 60-70%

Protein concentrate obtained from defatted and ground soybean seeds (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) by the separation of soluble fractions, ash and non-nitrogenous compounds.

Soybean protein concentrate, protein 70-90%

Protein concentrate obtained from defatted and ground soybean seeds (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) by the separation of soluble fractions, ash and non-nitrogenous compounds. Soybean concentrates with particularly high protein content are sometimes called soybean isolates or soy isolates.

Soybean, whole, extruded

Extruded soybean seed (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Other name: extruded full-fat soybean.

Soybean, whole, flaked

Flaked or rolled soybean seed (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Other name: flaked full-fat soybean.

Soybean, whole, toasted

Toasted (dry heated) soybean seed (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Other name: toasted full-fat soybean.

Soybean, whole, toasted, flaked and expanded

Soybean seed (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) processed by mild toasting, flaking, expanding and pelleting.

Sunflower hulls

Byproduct of the processing of sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.) for the manufacture of sunflower oil and other sunflower-based products, consisting of the outer envelopes obtained after the dehulling step of the process.

Sunflower meal, oil 5-20%, dehulled

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of dehulled or partially dehulled sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.). This product has a high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only.

Sunflower meal, oil 5-20%, non dehulled

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of whole sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.). This product has a high content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure only.

Sunflower meal, oil < 5%, dehulled

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of dehulled or partially dehulled sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.). This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction.

Sunflower meal, oil < 5%, non dehulled

Byproduct of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of whole (non-dehulled) sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.). This product has a low content in residual oil and results from mechanical pressure followed by solvent extraction.

Sunflower oil

Oil extracted from sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.).

Sunflower seed, whole

Whole sunflower seed (Helianthus annuus L.). Other name: full fat sunflower seed.

Sweet potato, dried

Dried sweet potato tuber (Ipomea batatas (L.) Lam.).


Slaughterhouse byproduct consisting of heat-treated fat trimmings from cattle and other ruminant livestock, obtained before the carcass is split.

Tomato pulp, dehydrated

Dried byproduct of the processing of tomato fruits (Solanum lycopersicum Karst.) for juice extraction or canning, consisting of the peels and the fruit pulp.

Tricalcium phosphate

Inorganic chemical compound with the chemical formula Ca3(PO4)2. Other name: tribasic calcium phosphate.


Triticale grain (Triticum x Secale).


Organic chemical compound with the chemical formula CO(NH2)2. Urea is a non-protein nitrogen compound used in ruminant feeding as a cheap source of nitrogen. Feed-grade urea contains about 42-46% nitrogen, which corresponds to 260 to 288% crude protein equivalent.

Vinasse, different origins

Humid product obtained by mixing the fermentation byproducts of different industries. This product has been concentrated and demineralised.

Vinasse, from the production of glutamic acid

Humid byproduct of the production of glutamic acid obtained after fermentation of organic substances, particularly molasses. This product has been concentrated and demineralised.

Vinasse, from yeast production, protein 30 %

Humid byproduct of the production of bakery yeast from molasses. It should contain about 30% of crude protein (as fed, calculated as nitrogen x 6.25). It has been partly depotassified by action of ammonium sulfate.

Vinasse, from yeast production, protein 40%

Humid byproduct of the production of bakery yeast from molasses. It should contain about 40% of crude protein (as fed, calculated as nitrogen x 6.25). It has been partly depotassified by action of ammonium sulfate.

Vinasse, from yeast production, protein 48%

Humid byproduct of the production of bakery yeast from molasses. It should contain about 48% of crude protein (as fed, calculated as nitrogen x 6.25). It has been partly depotassified by action of ammonium sulfate.

Wheat bran

Byproduct of wheat flour production obtained by the milling of wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L., also known as Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum). It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which the greater part of the endosperm has been removed.

Wheat bran from starch production

Byproduct of wheat starch production obtained by the wet milling of wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L., also known as Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum). It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which the greater part of the endosperm has been removed.

Wheat bran, durum

Byproduct of wheat flour or semolina production obtained by the milling of durum wheat grains (Triticum durum L., also known as Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn.). It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which the greater part of the endosperm has been removed.

Wheat distillers grains, starch < 7%, dried

Byproduct of alcohol (ethanol) manufacture, obtained from the distillery of wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L., also known as Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum), consisting of spent grains and steepwater solubles in variable proportions. This process uses the whole grain without bran separation, resulting in distillers grains containing less starch (< 7% as fed) than those resulting from a process where the bran is separated before starch extraction and reintroduced at the end. Other names and alternative spellings: wheat DDGS, wheat distillers' grains, wheat distiller's grains.

Wheat distillers grains, starch > 7%, dried

Byproduct of alcohol (ethanol) manufacture, obtained from the distillery of wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L., also known as Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum), consisting of spent grains and steepwater solubles in variable proportions. This process begins with the separation of the bran, which is reintroduced in the byproduct after starch extraction, resulting in distillers grains containing more starch (> 7% as fed) than those resulting from a process without preliminary bran separation. Other names and alternative spellings: wheat DDGS, wheat distillers' grains, wheat distiller's grains.

Wheat feed flour

Byproduct of wheat flour production obtained by the milling of wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L., also known as Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum).  It consists principally of particles of endosperm with fine fragments of the outer skins.

Wheat feed flour, durum

Byproduct of wheat flour or semolina production obtained by the milling of durum wheat grains (Triticum durum L., also known as Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn.). It consists principally of particles of endosperm with fine fragments of the outer skins.

Wheat flour "Gruau D", durum

Byproduct of semolina production obtained by the processing of durum wheat grains (Triticum durum L., also known as Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn.). It consists principally of particles of endosperm with fine fragments of the outer skins. Gruau D is the technical name of this product in the French semolina process.

Wheat gluten

Byproduct of the manufacture of starch from wheat grains (Triticum spp.) by wet milling. It consists principally of gluten obtained during the separation of starch. Wheat gluten is a protein-rich product (about 80% crude protein as fed) mostly used for human food, with some applications for animal feeding.

Wheat gluten feed, type 20% starch

Byproduct of the manufacture of starch obtained from wheat grains (Triticum spp.) by wet milling. It is composed of bran and gluten, to which steeping liquor and germs may be added. This product contains about 20% starch (as fed).

Wheat gluten feed, type 30% starch

Byproduct of the manufacture of starch obtained from wheat grains (Triticum spp.) by wet milling. It is composed of bran and gluten, to which steeping liquor and germs may be added. This product contains about 30% starch (as fed).

Wheat middlings (average)

Byproduct of wheat flour production obtained by the milling of wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L., also known as Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum). It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain containing variable amounts of endosperm. Wheat middlings are often mixtures of different types of milling offal. They are typically richer in starch and less coarse than wheat bran, and poorer in starch and coarser than wheat feed flour. The composition and nutritive values are provided for "average" wheat middlings representing the whole range of starch content.

Wheat middlings, durum

By-product of durum wheat processing. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which less of the endosperm has been removed than in wheat bran.

Wheat middlings, starch 20-30%

Byproduct of wheat flour production obtained by the milling of wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L., also known as Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum). It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain containing variable amounts of endosperm. Wheat middlings are often mixtures of different types of milling offal. They are typically richer in starch and less coarse than wheat bran, and poorer in starch and coarser than wheat feed flour. The composition and nutritive values are provided for wheat middlings containing between 20% and 30% of starch (as fed).

Wheat middlings, starch 30-40%

Byproduct of wheat flour production obtained by the milling of wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L., also known as Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum). It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain containing variable amounts of endosperm. Wheat middlings are often mixtures of different types of milling offal. They are typically richer in starch and less coarse than wheat bran, and poorer in starch and coarser than wheat feed flour. The composition and nutritive values are provided for wheat middlings containing between 30% and 40% of starch (as fed).

Wheat middlings, starch < 20%

Byproduct of wheat flour production obtained by the milling of wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L., also known as Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum). It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain containing variable amounts of endosperm. Wheat middlings are often mixtures of different types of milling offal. They are typically richer in starch and less coarse than wheat bran, and poorer in starch and coarser than wheat feed flour. The composition and nutritive values are provided for wheat middlings containing less than 20% starch (as fed).

Wheat middlings, starch > 40%

Byproduct of wheat flour production obtained by the milling of wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L., also known as Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum). It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain containing variable amounts of endosperm. Wheat middlings are often mixtures of different types of milling offal. They are typically richer in starch and less coarse than wheat bran, and poorer in starch and coarser than wheat feed flour. The composition and nutritive values are provided for wheat middlings containing more than 40% starch (as fed).

Wheat straw

Byproduct of the harvesting of wheat grains (Triticum spp.) consisting of the dry stalks of the wheat plant.

Wheat, durum

Grains of durum wheat (Triticum durum L., also known as Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn.). Durum wheat is normally used for the production of pasta and semolina.

Wheat, soft

Grain of soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L., also known as Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum).

Whey permeate

Dried byproduct of ultrafiltration of whey, consisting of low-molecular weight compounds, particularly lactose and minerals. It also includes non-protein nitrogen compounds and vitamins.

Whey powder, acid

Dried byproduct of the manufacturing of soft or fresh cheese. Whey is the liquid that separates from the curd.

Whey powder, sweet

Dried byproduct of the manufacturing of pressed cheese. Whey is the liquid that separates from the curd.

Whey, dehydrated, with added fat 4-15%

Dried byproduct of the manufacturing of cheese, non skimmed or to which milk fat has been reincorporated up to a content of 4-15% (as fed). Whey is the liquid that separates from the curd.

Whey, dried, with added fat 15-30%

Dried byproduct of the manufacturing of cheese, to which milk fat has been reincorporated up to a content of 15-30% (as fed). Whey is the liquid that separates from the curd.

Zinc carbonate FG

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula ZnCO3. It is a white crystalline solid or powder that is insoluble in water. This product is of feed grade quality.

Zinc carbonate RG

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula ZnCO3. It is a white crystalline solid or powder that is insoluble in water. This product is of reagent quality.

Zinc chloride

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula ZnCl2.

Zinc lysine

Lysine and zinc complex used as a source of organic zinc. These products have a variable zinc content.

Zinc metal

Zinc (Zn) in metallic form.

Zinc methionine

Methionine and zinc complex used as a source of organic zinc. These products have a variable zinc content.

Zinc oxide

Inorganic chemical compound with the formula ZnO.

Zinc sulfate heptahydrate RG

Zinc sulfate heptahydrate is the hydrated inorganic chemical compound with the formula ZnSO4·7H2O). This product is of reagent quality.